Presentations from the Conference

Two of the invited speaker presentations and select minisymposia presentations from the 2013 Fourteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion have been captured and are available as slides with synchronized audio. In addition there are PDF’s of the slides available for printing. View presentation slides with synchronized audio.


Math of Planet Earth 2013

2013 is designated as the year of Math of Planet Earth. SIAM supports MPE2013.

To RSVP to the conference on Facebook and connect with other attendees, find roommates etc., please visit

If you are tweeting about the conference, please use the designated hashtag to enable other attendees to keep up with the Twitter conversation and to allow better archiving of our conference discussions.  The hashtag for this meeting is #SIAMNC13.

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee Co-chairs
Mitchell Smooke, Yale University, USA
D. Scott Stewart, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Charles Westbrook, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

Organizing Committee
Stewart R. Cant, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Jacqueline H. Chen, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Vincent Giovangigli, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Dimitris A. Goussis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Ulrich Maas, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Elaine Oran, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Antonio L. Sánchez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain



The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) invites you to participate in the International Conference on Numerical Combustion, April 8-10, 2013, in San Antonio, Texas, USA. This conference follows a series of conferences held in Sophia Antipolis, France (1985), San Francisco, California (1987), Juan les Pins, France (1989), St. Petersburg Beach, Florida (1991), Garmisch, Germany (1993), New Orleans, Louisiana (1996), York, England (1998), Amelia Island, Florida (2000), Sorrento, Italy (2002), Sedona, Arizona (2004), and Granada, Spain (2006), Monterey, California (2008), and Corfu, Greece (2011).  The conferences held in the United States are organized by SIAM.

Advances in computational algorithms, hardware, and software continue to have a revolutionary impact on the combustion sciences and permit the examination of scientific and engineering problems of increasing complexity. Detailed combustion simulations and models are now being considered as part of integrated system applications. The International Conference on Numerical Combustion will focus on the integration of theory, modeling, and numerical implementation in the study of basic combustion physics and technological applications. The distinct questions and challenges found in combustion and phase transitions arise from the multiplicity of length and time scales defined by the chemical, geometric, and flow ingredients. Physically descriptive, efficient, and accurate numerical modeling of complex phenomena and the design and implementation of complex, integrated simulation are the challenges to be addressed at this conference.


Funding Agencies


SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy for their support of this conference.



Important Deadlines

September 10, 2012 October 8, 2012 Minisymposium proposals DEADLINE EXTENDED!
October 8, 2012:  Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers

September 24, 2012: SIAM Student Travel Award Application

March 11, 2013: Disconnect time is 4:00 PM EDT

March 11, 2013


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