
Full Day Workshops

Data Mining in Drug Discovery CANCELLED
Link Analysis, Counterterrorism and Security
Text Mining 2009
VizMining 2009 CANCELLED

Half Day Workshops

Analysis of Dynamic Networks
Multimedia Data Mining

Call For Workshops

The SDM09 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The purpose of a workshop is to provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on active and emerging topics of knowledge discovery and data mining. Ideally a workshop should foster interactions between different communities within the scope of SDM (e.g. statisticians, computer scientists, industry, academia etc.).

The responsibilities of the workshop organizers include (1) preparing the call for papers and publicizing it, (2) maintaining the workshop web site, (3) selecting the workshop organizing and program committees, (4) deciding the workshop program content, (5) selecting the papers through a peer review process, (6) delivering the proceedings to the press in time, and (7) delivering the final workshop program to the workshop chair in time.

Workshop proposals should be prepared as a web page and its URL is sent via e-mail to the SDM09 Workshop Chair:

Ian Davidson ([email protected]) and Carlotta Domeniconi ([email protected]) by October 3, 2008.

A workshop proposal should include the following information:

1. Workshop title
2. Full contact information of the organizers
3. Description of the workshop including objectives, content, topics of interest and format of the workshop.

Please indicate your preference regarding the length of the workshop: Half-day or full-day.  If you are only interested in hosting a full day workshop then please indicate so.

4. A short description of the target audience.
5. List of potential Program Committee Members
6. A summary of previous editions of the workshop (if it was run before), with an emphasis on number of attendees and paper submissions.

7. A short biography of each organizer.

Proposals will be judged by a sub-committee of the SDM09 organizing committee based on the above information.

Particular preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate the ability to foster interactions among multiple communities, as noted above. For any question regarding the workshops for SDM09, please contact the workshop co-chairs.

Important Dates:

* Submission by: October 3, 2008
* Decision Notification by: October 30, 2008
* Workshop web sites linked to SIAM site: October 30, 2008


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