siam student chapter

SIAM Student Chapter Funding

SIAM Student Chapters may request funds for activities up to a maximum of $500 per academic year to support guest speakers, refreshments for chapter meetings, promotion, and other activities. To apply for funds, fill out and submit the “Request for Funding” form below. Requests received by September 30 of the current academic year will be given priority consideration. New chapters may submit requests for funding up to March 15th of the current academic year.

The Request for Funding should include a description of the planned activities and the chapter’s proposed budget in US Dollars. The budget should identify those activities to be funded by SIAM, activities to be funded by other sources, and the total chapter budget. Requests for funding should include details of chapter activities, such as number and type of meetings, name of invited speaker(s) and topic of presentation, destination and purpose for any field trips to industry or SIAM section meetings, and any other relevant information.

Allowable expenses include honoraria or travel for a speaker invited to address the chapter, light food and beverage at chapter meetings; copying and printing promotion information on the chapter and its activities; one-day field trips (minimum four students) to industry, SIAM section meeting, or regional SIAM student chapter conference. Any requests for travel must include details: destination, purpose of trip, and the number of student and faculty participants.

Non allowable expenses include awards, prizes, registration for conferences, individual travel to meetings, hotel accommodations. Please note that Chapter funds cannot be used for attendance at SIAM meetings, other than a field trip as described above, nor to attend meetings organized by other professional societies. Other types of expenditures may be requested, but require prior approval.

Any unexpended funds remain the property of SIAM. The Student Chapter bears the responsibility for accounting for these funds and maintaining them in a bank account. An Annual Final Report (see below) will be required at the end of the academic year from each chapter. Unexpended funds may be returned to SIAM or may be reallocated to the chapter upon submission and approval of a Request for Funding for the following year.

Deadline for submission of Request for Funding: October 1 (fax receipt or postmark)
Awards announced: First week in November  
Deadline for submission of Annual Final Report: June 30 (fax receipt or postmark)

Funding Guidelines [PDF, 100KB]
Chapter Financial Report Worksheet [Excel]
Chapter Funding Worksheet [Excel]

Send updates on chapter information to Nancy Snell at [email protected].

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