Checklist for Establishing New SIAM Student Chapter
- Submit signed petition and letter of intent to the SIAM Board of Trustees indicating intention to establish a Student Chapter of SIAM. (Please send to Membership Coordinator Nancy Snell).
- The Executive Committee of the Board will review petition and letter of intent. Within 60 days of the receipt of the petition and letter of intent, letter approving request will be sent to contact and/or faculty advisor.
- Complete Rules of Procedure (draft provided by SIAM) for Chapter and return to SIAM.
- Explore funding options and develop budget.
- For financial support from SIAM, submit Request for Funding to SIAM by September 30 of the academic year.
- Direct potential chapter members to sign up for their complimentary membership after inputting their university and chapter affiliations at
_____Identify Sponsor and any Associate Sponsor(s) (Sponsoring
organizations can include colleges and universities, and industry and
government units; however, sponsors must include at least one college or
university. If more than one organization sponsors the Chapter, a college
or university will be designated the "Sponsor" and the remaining
sponsoring organization(s) will be designated "Associate Sponsor(s)".)
_____ Identify Faculty Advisor (must be SIAM member in good standing)
_____ Identify the purpose of the proposed chapter
_____ Identify the activities of the proposed chapter
_____ Obtain required signatures on Petition - at least 12 Regular or Student Members of SIAM from any institution, including 2 faculty members at the sponsoring college or university, and 1 faculty member from any associate sponsoring institutions. Prospective members of the chapter may also sign the petition.
Rules of Procedure (draft copy supplied by SIAM)
_____ Activities
_____ Institutions from which members will be recruited
_____ Membership Eligibility
_____ Benefits of Membership
_____ Officers and terms of office (must be SIAM members in good standing)
_____ Executive Committee (if any)
_____ Other Committees (if any)
_____ Meetings
_____ Chapter Funds
_____ Dues (if any)
_____ Contact University Student Union or Student Activities office for
possible funding opportunities
_____ Develop proposed budget for Chapter
_____ Submit any request for funding to SIAM by September 30 of academic year
_____ Set up bank account for handling of funds, if necessary
Free Student Memberships
Once your chapter petition and rules of procedures are approved, student members of your chapter are eligible for free student membership in SIAM. There are three ways for students to get free membership. Click here for details. Please note that student memberships are for one year and must be renewed annually.
For more information about chapters, contact Membership Manager Tim Fest or Membership Coordinator Nancy Snell.