SIAM Committee on Science Policy
SIAM is committed to promoting the value of research in applied mathematics and in ensuring the application of high quality research results to solving real world problems through industry, government, and other means to benefit society.Part of SIAM's role is to provide timely information to its membership regarding science policy and funding. SIAM also provides information to policy makers regarding issues of interest to its members when SIAM member's expertise offers something to contribute to the discussions.
SIAM maintains links with several organizations whose role is to coordinate science policy or to advocate for science funding. Among those organizations are the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) and the Computing Research Association (CRA).
In addition to these organizations, SIAM maintains its own presence in Washington to coordinate governmental affairs. SIAM's representation is is supported by Lewis-Burke and Associates, who provides legislative liaison and information on science policy issues.
The SIAM President, in consultation with the SIAM Secretary, shall make the at-large appointments to this committee. Committee membership should reflect the breadth and diversity of the Society. Committee members should have broad knowledge of the Society and its members.
Charge and Guidelines
- Monitor developments in the federal and/or state governments and in the scientific community of interest to SIAM and its members.
- Promote the visibility of the applied mathematics community and of SIAM in the federal government and the scientific community.
- Assist the President of SIAM in liaison with the Council of Scientific Society Presidents (CSSP) and the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS).
- At the request of and with the concurrence of the President, respond to external requests for information, advice, recommendations, and nominees for appointments in matters of interest to SIAM.
- Inform SIAM membership of pertinent happenings and/or information via SIAM News.
- Monitor and set objectives for SIAM supported activities that represent the mathematics and computational communities before government bodies, such as the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM).
- Communicate to appropriate parties the views of representatives of SIAM regarding significant issues of science policy.
- The committee will consist of three or more members of SIAM, with terms of no more than three years, appointed by the President.
- Members of the Committee should be chosen from current or past members of the Council and/or Board of Trustees, current or past officers of the Society, or others who possess expertise on science policy matters of concern to SIAM.
- The SIAM President shall be either a member of the Committee or an ex-officio member.
- The SIAM Vice President for Science Policy shall chair this committee.
- The Committee shall report directly to the President and shall submit reports of its activities to the SIAM Council at each meeting of the Council.
- A member of the SIAM staff shall be designated to work with the Committee in collecting and disseminating information. [The Executive Director is the primary point of contact between the staff and the SIAM Committee on Science Policy. The newly appointed Senior Advisor to Washington Policy Office will assist the Committee in gathering information and preparing meetings].
- Members of the Committee and/or Chair may be reappointed.
Name | Term Ends |
Marsha Berger | [email protected] | 2019 |
David Bressoud |
2018 |
David L. Brown | [email protected] | 2019 |
John Burns | [email protected] | 2019 |
Margaret Cheney | [email protected] | 2020 |
Paul Constantine | [email protected] | 2020 |
Irene Fonseca | [email protected] | 2019 |
Anne Gelb | [email protected] | 2019 |
Tom Grandine | [email protected] | 2019 |
Louis J. Gross |
2018 |
Bruce Hendrickson | [email protected] | 2019 |
Kirk E. Jordan | [email protected] | 2018 |
Hans Kaper | [email protected] | 2019 |
Reinhard C. Laubenbacher | [email protected] | 2018 |
Dave Levermore, Chair | [email protected] | 2018 |
Sven Leyffer | [email protected] | 2020 |
Peter March | [email protected] | 2018 |
Peter Mucha | [email protected] | 2020 |
Linda R. Petzold | [email protected] | 2020 |
Jill Pipher | [email protected] | 2019 |
Padma Raghavan | [email protected] | 2020 |
Fred S. Roberts | [email protected] | 2018 |
Peter Turner | [email protected] | 2020 |
Stephen Young | 2020 |