Instructions for Referees
The SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS) depends heavily on our referees, and we are greatly indebted for maintaining the quality and timeliness of our journal. Thank you for your help in assessing manuscripts.
Editorial PolicyThe SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS) covers all areas of imaging sciences, broadly interpreted. It includes image formation, image processing, image analysis, image interpretation and understanding, and inverse problems in imaging; leading to applications to diverse areas in science, medicine, engineering, and other fields. The journal’s scope is meant to be broad enough to include areas now organized under the terms image processing, image analysis, computer graphics, computer vision, and visualization. Formal approaches, at the level of mathematics and/or computations, as well as state-of-the-art practical results, are expected from manuscripts published in SIIMS. SIIMS is mathematically and computationally based, and offers a unique forum to highlight the commonality of methodology, models, and algorithms among diverse application areas of imaging sciences. SIIMS provides a broad authoritative source for fundamental results in imaging sciences, with a unique combination of mathematics and applications.
SIIMS covers a broad range of areas, including but not limited to image formation, image processing, image analysis, computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, image understanding, pattern analysis, machine intelligence, remote sensing, geoscience, signal processing, medical and biomedical imaging, and seismic imaging. The fundamental mathematical theories addressing imaging problems covered by SIIMS include, but are not limited to, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, differential geometry, numerical analysis, information theory, learning, optimization, statistics, and probability. Research papers that innovate both in the fundamentals and in the applications are especially welcome. SIIMS focuses on conceptually new ideas, methods, and fundamentals as applied to all aspects of imaging sciences.
The journal also features survey articles in emerging fields that convey the essential information of that field to a broad audience and foster cross-disciplinary collaborations.
To be considered by the journal, a paper should be in one (or a combination) of the following categories:
- papers that develop new mathematical models and ideas for critical problems in the broad area of imaging sciences;
- papers that analyze existing fundamental models or computational methods being applied to the broad area of imaging sciences;
- papers that develop new computational methods relevant to the broad area of imaging sciences; and
- papers devoted to direct numerical simulations or to experimental study of fundamental mathematical and/or computational frameworks leading to state-of-the-art results in the broad area of imaging sciences.
Although the journal has no formal limits on manuscript length, papers exceeding 30 journal pages, excluding the supplementary material, will be reviewed more closely to ensure that the excess is fully justified. See Instructions for Authors at for additional details.
Papers that have been published elsewhere will not be considered. An exception may be made for a substantially revised conference proceedings paper, provided that it is so identified in the submission letter and in the paper itself.
Review Process
The manuscript submission and peer review process is broken down into the following steps:
- The Author submits a manuscript.
- The Editor-in-Chief assigns an Associate Editor to act as Reviewing Editor for the paper.
- The Associate Editor assigns Referees.
- The Referees review the manuscript and send reports.
- The Associate Editor makes a decision and the author is contacted.
Navigating the System
All SIIMS papers go through review in the web-based Journal Submission & Tracking System;
When invited to serve as a referee there are two ways to gain access to the manuscript.
- You'll receive an e-mail with basic information about the paper, and a link to view the assignment. When you use the link to gain access to the web-based system and to see the paper, you are presented with a link to accept the assignment, and a link to decline the assignment.
Accept referee assignment: If you accept, the link will automatically log you into the system and take you directly to the files for the pertinent paper.
Decline referee assignment: If you are unable to review this manuscript and must decline we appreciate any suggestions of potential referees. You can suggest other reviewers or offer any observation on the paper by e-mailing [email protected]. You can also enter your observations or suggest other referees directly into the system after you click the decline link.
- You can alternately access your files by logging into the system through Enter your user name and password. You are then taken to your "Home" page. It will have different categories of tasks. If you are required to perform a pending action item, there will be a red arrow next to a manuscript link. After clicking on this link, you will be presented with a "Manuscript" screen containing:
- Information about the specific manuscript.
- Links to Accept/Decline to serve as a referee
- A link to contact journal staff
If you accept the referee invitation, you'll also gain access to links to "check status" and "Review Manuscript." If there are no red arrows visible on the "Home" page, then there is no pending work.
Review Manuscript
Once in the system you will be presented with a "Manuscript" screen. At the bottom of this screen under "Manuscript Tasks" is a "Review Manuscript" link. Clicking on this link displays the "Review Manuscript" screen. This screen asks for a recommendation and for a report.*
* Note that in giving a recommendation, along with a free-form text box that allows you to copy and paste a report and /or comments, you must:
Select from a drop-down menu. This manuscript is:
- Excellent;
- Good;
- Fair;
- Poor;
- Not appropriate for the journal.
Select from a drop-down menu. I recommend:
- Reject outright;
- Return to the author for major revisions (to be fully reviewed again), outlined in comments;
- Publish after minor revisions (to be fully reviewed only by the Review Editor and/or EIC), outlined in comments; or
- Publish as is.
The free-form text box for your report follows.
There is also a text box available if you wish to include a private message to the Review Editor. Comments entered here are not meant to be seen by the author(s).
Finally, a manuscript evaluation form is available, but the use of this is optional.
If you prefer to work offline, you may find it faster and easier to download and print the manuscript, draft your review remarks in plain text, and copy and paste into the referee remarks text area on this screen.
Again, the manuscript evaluation form is optional; the drop-down recommendations and report are required.
NOTE: As a referee, SIIMS offers the option of attaching a file to deliver your report. It is recommended, however, that you instead use the text box on the Referee Recommendation Screen to type or paste plain text or TeX code. File attachments are not recommended, as referee confidentiality may be compromised. However, if you must send an attachment know that it may be forwarded to the author by the Reviewing Editor, so please be sure to first edit the file for profile information that--if left in place--could disclose your identity as the owner/creator.
See here for specifics on how to remove hidden identity clues from PDF and Word files.
Getting Help
If you need additional help, you can click on the help signs throughout the system. A help dialog will pop up with context sensitive help. You can also e-mail [email protected] if you need assistance.
Manuscript Status
To get the status of your assigned manuscript(s):
- Log into the system with your password.
- Click on the link represented by the manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
- Click on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.
This procedure displays information on the progress of the submission and review.
NOTE: Author rights to unpublished manuscripts:
All manuscripts are privileged documents; an author retains the right to the unpublished work. A referee should not use results or ideas obtained exclusively through the refereeing process in his or her own research.