Information about SIAM�s New Conference Registration System
The next time you register for a SIAM meeting you will see changes in our online registration system. To better handle registration and payment, we have linked the registration process to the system that handles our membership. This new process will assure that attendees receive the best registration rate available to them for a meeting and will securely process payments in compliance with the latest payment card industry guidelines.
Starting with the 2010 SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering, all attendees who pre-register will need to log into Online Customer Service. If you are a member, the login is the same as your member login. If you do not remember your username or password you may request it using the link on the site by providing the e-mail in your SIAM record. You must use your member login to get the member rate for the conference. If you are not a member, but are a minisymposium speaker or organizer, or have attended a SIAM conference or purchased a SIAM publication in the past, you should check for an existing account. This will allow you to register without setting up a new account. If you do not have an existing account you can follow the link to create a new account.
We hope you find the new system easier to use. Once your information is in our system you will not have to enter your contact information each time you register. If you have any concerns or questions about registering please do not hesitate to contact SIAM Customer Service, at [email protected] or +1-215-382-9800 or Toll-Free 800-447-SIAM (U.S. and Canada).
More information about how to login may be found at the the SIAM Online Customer Services FAQ.