Housing Information
All sessions and on-site registration will take place on the Colorado State University campus (Andrew G. Clark Building – Clark A wing and the Willard O. Eddy Hall).
A campus map is available at http://map.colostate.edu/.
On-Campus Housing Information
On-campus housing is available in Academic Village, a relatively new set of dorms near the conference venue. Each room has air-conditioning and a private bathroom. This option includes breakfast and lunch each day at a nearby cafeteria (available for around $12 cash for other participants) and goes for $82/night for a single and $57/night for a double.
Reservation Deadline – June 27, 2013 (or until the room block is filled)
Flyer for this option: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bates/AcademicVillage.pdf
On-campus housing registration is now closed.
Anyone interested in staying in a double room and needing assistance in finding a roommate should write to Dan Bates ([email protected]).
Hotel Information
Hilton Fort Collins
425 West Prospect Road
Fort Collins, Colorado, 80526
Phone Number: +1- 970-482-2626
Toll Free Reservations (USA and Canada): 1-800-HILTONS (Group name if calling: SIAM AG13)
Hotel web address: http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/colorado/hilton-fort-collins-FNLCOHF/index.html
Group online reservations: Group online reservations is now closed.
These rooms are being held on a first-come, first-served basis at the following discounted rates. Please be aware the room block fills quickly, so we suggest you make your hotel and travel plans early.
The group rate is guaranteed until the cutoff date unless the block fills prior to that.
Reservation Deadline – June 27, 2013 (or until the room block is filled)
King Deluxe Mountainview $145.00 USD per night plus 3% tax and 7.35% secondary tax
King Bed with Sofabed $125.00 USD per night plus 3% tax and 7.35% secondary tax
2 Double Beds $125.00 USD per night plus 3% tax and 7.35% secondary tax* Double occupancy rates are $10 higher.
* These rates do not include breakfast, though there is a restaurant at the hotel, several other options nearby, or meals at the on-campus housing cafeteria for $12/meal, in cash only.All rooms based on availability.
All rates are subject to state and local occupancy taxes.
Additional Hotel Accommodations
For additional hotels options available in the area, please click here. [PDF, 80KB]
Hotel / On-Campus Housing Room Sharing
Anyone interested in sharing a room but needing help with finding a roommate should email Dan Bates ([email protected]).
To RSVP to the conference on Facebook and connect with other attendees, find roommates etc., please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/242631479203536/.
If you are tweeting about the conference, please use the designated hashtag to enable other attendees to keep up with the Twitter conversation and to allow better archiving of our conference discussions. The hashtag for this meeting is #SIAMAG13.