This conference is being held jointly with the SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS08).
Annual Meeting Presentations
Most of the Invited Lectures and Prize Lectures from the 2008 Annual Meeting in San Diego have been captured and are available as slides with synchronized audio. In addition there are PDFs of the slides available for printing. View presentation slides with synchronized audio.
Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee Co-chairs:
Lenore Cowen (co-chair), Tufts University
Tamara G. Kolda (co-chair), Sandia National Laboratories
Organizing Committee
Marsha Berger, Courant Institute, New York University
David L. Brown, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sue Ann Campbell, University of Waterloo, Canada
Lieven De Lathauwer, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Francis Giraldo, Naval Postgraduate School
Gary Hewer, NAVAIR Weapons Division, China Lake, California
Chris Johnson, University of Utah
Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota
Scott Markel, SciTegic Inc.
Rajeev Motwani, Stanford University
Funding Agency
SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of Student Day and the Diversity Day Workshop.
Computational science & engineering
Data mining
Dynamical systems
Imaging science
Linear & multilinear algebra
Networks: biological, social and Internet
Scientific software: enabling complex simulations
Important Deadlines
January 14, 2008: Minisymposium proposals
January 28, 2008: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
June 9, 2008
June 9, 2008