Special Events
Town Meeting and Business Meeting Career Fair Film Industry Panel Professional Development Evening
SIAM Town Meeting and Business Meeting
Town Meeting and Networking Reception
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
In an effort to engage in more open dialogue between SIAM officers and members, SIAM will hold the eighth annual town meeting and networking reception. In addition to general reports on SIAM's programs, the major focus of this town meeting will be a presentation on the proposed fellows program that come to a vote of the membership in the fall ballot.
Career Fair
The SIAM Career Fair is an informational and interactive event at which employers and prospective employees can discuss careers. It is a great opportunity for prospective employees to meet government and industry representatives and discuss what they are looking for and what each employer has to offer!
“Mind in the Machine: The Discovery of Artificial Intelligence”
Wendy Conquest, Bob Drake, and Dan Rockmore
In the summer of 1956, a small group of mathematicians met at Dartmouth College. Their goal was no less than to understand the very nature of human thought through the power of mathematics as embodied in a relatively new and as yet, still, not so well understood technology called the computer. They called this new discipline "artificial intelligence" and, in doing so, initiated a field of study that today lives at the frontier of computing, philosophy, mathematics, and psychology. Through interviews with those intellectual pioneers and lively original footage, "Mind in the Machine: The Discovery of Artificial Intelligence," a video documentary, by Wendy Conquest, Bob Drake, and Dan Rockmore, captures the excitement of those first days of AI and the spirit of those who are some of our most intrepid intellectual explorers.
The film will be shown following the I.E. Block Community Lecture and again on Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 12:45 PM.
Industry Panel
Date and Time
Monday, July 7, 2008
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Measuring the Impact of Applied Mathematics on Industry
Research and development(R&D) is often seen as the engine for growth in many types of industry. Many go further by claiming that R&D is the only mechanism for a business to have sustained growth. There is much evidence for this claim. Applied mathematicians find a home in an industrial R&D environment and contribute to this environment by using their quantitative skills. We ask panel members if there is evidence (or not) applied mathematics plays a significant and quantifiable role contributing to a company's growth and success. We also ask the panelists how they make the business cases for their work at the beginning of the R&D cycle.
Jeffrey S. Saltzman, Merck & Co., Inc.
SIAM Vice President for Industry
Professional Development Evening
Date and Time
Thursday, July 10, 2008
6:15-9:15 PM
Session I: The Path from School to Work (6:15–7:15)
Follow the career paths of several distinguished SIAM members from undergraduate
studies to today. These folks will be tracing out their career paths, identifying
important mentors and events throughout their careers, and bestowing nuggets
of wisdom that have led them to their current positions in academia, industry,
and government.
Mac Hyman, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, Los Alamos
National Laboratory
Kirk Jordan, Deep Computing, IBM Corporation: Professional
Development Evening Slides [PDF]
Padma Raghavan, Computer Science and Engineering, Penn
State University
Margaret Wright, Courant Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, New York University
Session II: "Meet and Greet" Wine and Cheese Reception
Come and meet others interested in your area of research. For junior researchers,
this is a chance to meet the leading experts working in your field. For the
more senior researchers, this is a chance to meet the next generation of researchers
in your area.
Session III: The Transition from School to Work (8:15–9:15)
Learn about the skills required for making the leap from school to work.
Suggestions on job interviewing skills, requesting references, and writing
a CV, cover letter, research statement, and a teaching statement will be addressed.
Nick Higham, Applied Mathematics, University of Manchester
Suzanne Lenhart, Mathematics, University of Tennessee: Professional
Development Evening Slides [PDF]
Juan Meza, High Performance Computing Research, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory: Professional
Development Evening Slides [PDF]
Daniel M. Dunlavy, Sandia National Labs
Misha E. Kilmer, Tufts University
Also look under these sections for other meeting highlights.
Invited Speakers
Plenary Speakers
Topical Speaker
Special Lectures
Prizes and Awards
AWM Workshop
Diversity Day
Student Day