Deadline Dates
Deadlines are midnight Eastern Time (EST)
January 10, 2018 DEADLINE EXTENDED: January 22, 2018: Minisymposium proposal submissions
January 31, 2018: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts
How to Participate
Speakers are limited to at most one talk, not counting the invited and prize lectures. There are no exceptions to this policy. However, speakers who wish to give an additional presentation may submit a poster on material different from that of the talk. All submissions are subject to review and final approval by the co-chairs.
You are invited to contribute a presentation for this conference in one of the following formats.
A minisymposium generally consists of four 25-minute presentations, with an additional five minutes for discussion after each presentation. Minisymposia organizers can submit up to two (2) sessions per minisymposium, allowing up to 8 speakers.
Prospective minisymposium organizers are asked to submit a proposal consisting of a title, a description (1500 character maximum, including spaces), and a list of speakers and titles of their presentations using the Conference Management System available at:
It is recommended that a minisymposium organizer make the first presentation. Each minisymposium speaker should submit a 1,500 character (including spaces) abstract. The organizing committee will referee minisymposium proposals. The number of minisymposia may be limited to retain an acceptable level of parallelism in the conference sessions.
To ensure balance, SIAM prefers that a single individual not be the organizer of more than one minisymposium. In addition, SIAM discourages minisymposia in which most of the speakers or co-authors come from the same institution.
Be certain to visit to review Guidelines for Preparing a Minisymposium Proposal.
Deadline for submission of minisymposium proposals: January 10, 2018
Deadline for submission of minisymposium speaker abstracts: January 31, 2018
Poster Minisymposia (Minisymposteria)
A minisymposium of posters (that is, a minisymposterium) consists of a collection of three or more posters by different presenters grouped around a central theme. The posters will be co-located in the poster viewing area.
To submit a Minisymposterium, organizers and poster participants must coordinate and do the following:
- Participants must submit their posters by January 31, 2018 using the Conference Management System (CMS): The poster title should be submitted as “Minisymposterium: [insert poster title]”.
- After the posters are submitted to the CMS, Organizers must send an email to [email protected] using the subject line "AN18 Minisymposterium – [insert minisymposterium title]." The email must include:
- Organizer name, affiliation, email address
- A short title for the minisymposterium
- A short description of the minisymposterium (less than 1500 characters, including spaces)
- Poster titles and presenters first name, last name, and affiliation for each poster scheduled within the minisymposterium
Deadline for submission of minisymposterium poster abstracts: January 31, 2018
An e-poster is a large electronic display that a laptop can be plugged into to show rich, interactive material at the poster session. The Annual Meeting will have up to 25 e-poster displays. In order to select the presentations, we request a description of between 100-500 words explaining why your submission should be selected. Important information to include is a description of how you will take advantage of the electronic format to go beyond what is possible in a regular poster and also how you will distinguish what you'll do with an e-poster from a standard projector presentation. Please submit your explanation using the Google Form posted here.
In addition to completing the Google Form, participants must submit their poster abstracts by January 31, 2018 using the Conference Management System (CMS): The poster title should be submitted as “E-Poster: [insert poster title]”.
Deadline for submission of e-poster abstracts and e-poster utilization explanations: January 31, 2018.
Notification of e-poster selections will be emailed by mid-April 2018.
Contributed Presentations in Lecture or Poster Format
Contributed presentations in lecture or poster format are invited in all areas consistent with the conference themes. A lecture format is generally a 15-minute oral presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion. Talk lengths will be determined by the co-chairs at the close of submissions. A poster format involves the use of non-electronic visual aids for mounting on a 4’ x 8’ poster board. A poster session is two hours long. Each contributor, either for a lecture or a poster, must submit a title and a brief abstract not to exceed 1,500 characters, including spaces.
Speakers are limited to at most one talk in either a minisymposium or a contributed lecture session (but not both).
Please submit contributed presentations in lecture or poster format using the Conference Management System available at:
Deadline for submission of contributed abstracts: January 31, 2018.
Acceptance Notification
Notification was sent by e-mail on Friday, March 23, 2018. Please contact [email protected] with any questions about this notification.
Speaker Cancellation
The Conference Organizing Committee expects every speaker in a scheduled presentation to register and attend the conference.
If it becomes necessary for a speaker to cancel a presentation, he or she should try to find an alternate presenter immediately, preferably a co-author. See SIAM Policy on Substitute Speakers and Remote Presentations. Contact SIAM at [email protected] immediately with any change to a scheduled presentation.
A “no-show” or cancelled presentation can cause serious inconvenience to the attendees and conference organizers. The committee thanks all speakers in advance for their compliance to this request.