Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems.

facebook linkTo view photos from the Conference on Applicatons of Dynamical Systems, visit http://on.fb.me/1aTdaHh.


SIAM Presents … Featured Lectures from our Archives

Most of the invited speaker presentations and select minisymposia and minitutorial presentations from the 2013 Conference on Dynamical Systems have been captured and are available as slides with synchronized audio. In addition there are PDF’s of the slides available for printing. View presentation slides with synchronized audio.



Snowbird Village has sold out of sleeping rooms for the conference. Accommodations are available at the Alta Lodge, located 1.5 miles north of Snowbird. Individuals making hotel reservations at this time will be housed in the Alta Lodge. Shuttle transportation will be provided from the Alta Lodge to the Cliff Lodge. When making reservations at Alta, please reference SIAM. Once you have made your reservation at Alta Lodge,  please contact Snowbird if you would like to be placed on a waitlist if rooms become available in Snowbird Village. 

Alta Reservations Phone: 1-800-707-2582 (ALTA)
Alta Reservations Email: [email protected]
Spring hours for reservations are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM mountain time.

Math of Planet Earth 2013

2013 is designated as the year of Math of Planet Earth. SIAM supports MPE2013.

To RSVP to the conference on Facebook and connect with other attendees, find roommates etc., please visit http://www.facebook.com/SIAMconnect/events.

If you are tweeting about the conference, please use the designated hashtag to enable other attendees to keep up with the Twitter conversation and to allow better archiving of our conference discussions.  The hashtag for this meeting is #SIAMDS13.

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee Co-chairs
Charles Doering, University of Michigan, USA
George Haller, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Organizing Committee
Eli Ben-Naim, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
John Dabiri, California Institute of Technology, USA
Timothy Elston, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Jürgen Kurths, University of Potsdam, Germany
Maria Josefina Olascoaga, University of Miami, USA
Robert Pego, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Alastair Rucklidge, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Tere Seara, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Leah Shaw, College of William and Mary, USA



The application of dynamical systems theory to areas outside of mathematics continues to be a vibrant, exciting and fruitful endeavor. These application areas are diverse and multidisciplinary, ranging over all areas of applied science and engineering, including biology, chemistry, physics, finance, and industrial applied mathematics. This conference strives to achieve a blend of application-oriented material and the mathematics that informs and supports it. The goals of the meeting are a cross-fertilization of ideas from different application areas, and increased communication between the mathematicians who develop dynamical systems techniques and applied scientists who use them.


Funding Agencies

SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy for their support of this conference.


The scope of this conference encompasses theoretical, computational, and experimental research on dynamical systems.  Highlighted areas include the dynamics of biological, chemical, physical, social, and financial systems along with applications in geophysics, fluid dynamics, engineering, and other applied sciences.


Important Deadlines

October 22, 2012:  Minisymposium proposals
November 19, 2012: Abstract submissions for contributed and minisymposium presentations due

November 5, 2012: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career Travel Award Applications

April 22, 2013: Disconnect time is 4:00 PM EDT

April 19, 2013


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