Session Code: AA
Minisymposium Title: Modeling Mechanical Response in Disordered and Structurally Complex Materials Systems
Minisymposium Description: We propose a workshop exploring approaches to the quantification of microstructure with an eye to modeling mechanical response in materials that exhibit disorder and structural complexity. Examples of such systems include glasses, granular media, colloids, and biological systems. Many interesting interconnections can be drawn between these including incompatible embedded metrics that lead to residual stresses, poorly characterized structures that accommodate plasticity and flow, and a need to account for how forces are generated, accommodated and distributed. This workshop will bring together materials scientists, physicists, mathematicians and engineers to examine these problems from multiple overlapping perspectives.
Minisymposium Organizer: Michael Falk, Johns Hopkins University, USA, Timothy Atherton
Chris H. Rycroft-Strain Localization and Fracture in Metallic Glass
Andrea Liu, University of Pennsylvania, USA-Soft Spots in Amorphous Solids
Sylvain Patinet-Direct Measurements of Transformation Barriers in Glasses
Michael Falk, Johns Hopkins University, USA-TBA
Jean Carlson, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA-The Role of Grain Fragmentation in Sheared Granular Flow
Ryan Hurley-Measuring Interparticle Forces in Opaque Granular Matter
Katharine Jensen-Sheared Hard-Sphere Colloidal Glasses
Timothy Atherton-Arresting Relaxation in Pickering Emulsions
Marta Lewicka, University of Minnesota, USA-Shape Formation in Plates with Incompatible Pre-Strains
Eran Sharon-The Plane Stress State of Residually Stressed Bodies
Ahmed Elbanna-Crack Propagation in Bone: the Role of Sacrificial Bonds
Lisa Manning-Motility Driven Glass Transitions in Tissue
Krishna Garikipati, University of Michigan, USA-Cytoskeletal Force Generation