Call for Contributed Presentations
The SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science (MS16) CMS submission site is open for contributed abstract submissions and minisymposium lecturers invited to participate to submit their abstracts. The Conference Management System (CMS) submission site deadline is December 15, 2015 extended to December 30, 2015 and the link to the submission site is
The SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science (MS16) welcomes submission of abstracts for contributed lectures for particular symposia or as a poster presentation. The list of accepted minisymposia appears below. To review the full details of each minisymposia, please click on the hyperlinks. Each session will have an assigned session code. You will need to identify this session code when submitting your abstract into the conference management system.
Instructions to Submit to SIAM's Conference Management System (CMS)
Go to
Under “Sign In,” enter your first and last name in the appropriate fields.
Click “Enter Name.”
- If you have previously used the SIAM Conference Management System (CMS) or been entered as a co-author on an existing paper, your name and affiliation will appear next to a "This is me" button. Click the button and review the "Contact Information." If changes are required, click "Contact Update" to update the record. If changes are not required, begin at step #1.
- If the name entered does not match an existing record in the CMS, "No match found" will appear. Click on "Click if your name does not appear above." At the following page you will be asked to enter your contact information. After doing so, click "Submit and proceed to participation" button.
Once you are logged in, follow the instructions below to submit your presentation:
- On the right side under "Contributed Participation," please select “Lecture” or “Poster”.
- In title field, enter the talk title in initial caps.
- In abstract field, enter the abstract in text or TeX (75 words or less). At the top of the abstract field, please indicate the following:
- Please indicate the Minisymposium Session Code (for example: Session Code A) Note: General Poster session abstracts not associated with any Minisymposium should select Session Code ZZ
- Do you prefer ORAL or POSTER Presentation?
- If your abstract is not accepted for the limited number of Contributed Oral Presentation slots, may we transfer your abstract to a Poster Presentation?
- Click "Proceed to Preview"
- Read the information on the page and then click "Preview TeX Abstract.”
- Review the information on this page and click your browser "back" button one time (twice if you wish to edit the abstract).
- Scroll down the page to password section.
- Enter a password and password reminder.
- Click on "Submit TeX Abstract"
- An acknowledgment page appears. Print this for your records. This page includes the title and your password information. The password will be required to make changes to your submission.
The Conference Management System (CMS) submission site deadline is December 15, 2015 extended to December 30, 2015.
Acceptance Notification
Contributed presenters will be notified by email February 7, 2016.
Accepted Minisymposium Submissions
Active Polar Gels (Session Code: A)
Analysis. Modeling, and Simulation in Materials Science, in Memory of
Peter Smereka (Session Code: B)
Complex Analysis, Optimization, and Herglotz Functions in Passive Electromagnetics and Composite Media (Session Code: C)
Computational Methods for Materials Science (Session Code: D)
Computational Techniques for Multiscale Materials Modeling (Session Code: E)
Defects and Patterns in Thin Elastic Structures (Session Code: F)
Efficient Numerical Methods and Analytical Techniques for Defect Problems (Session Code: G)
Growth, Instabilities and Evolutions of Thin Films and Micro/Nanostructures (Session Code: H)
Inverse Problems in Materials Science (Session Code: I)
Materials Science Applications to Cellular and Molecular Structures (Session Code: J)
Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Nonlocal Models in Materials Science (Session Code: K)
Mathematical and Computational Issues in Electromagnetic Materials (Session Code: L)
Mathematical Challenges in Phase Diagram Calculation (Session Code: M)
Mathematical Crystallography I. Tilings, Packings, Graphs, and Other Discrete Models (Session Code: N)
Mathematical Crystallography II. Polyhedra, Cluster Models, and Assembly (Session Code: O)
Mathematical Crystallography III. Groups, Lattices, Spaces and Superspaces (Session Code: P)
Mathematical Crystallography IV. Beyond Crystallography (Session Code: Q)
Mathematical Modeling of Microstructured Materials (Session Code: R)
Mathematical Problems in Nematic Colloids and Chromonic Liquid Crystals (Session Code: S)
Mathematics and Algorithms for Excited States of Materials (Session Code: T)
Mathematics and Algorithms for Ground State Electronic Structure Theory (Session Code: U)
Mechanics, Electro- and Hydro- dynamics of Drops and Vesicles (Session Code: V)
Mesoscal Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Assembly, Transport, and Reaction Processes (Session Code: W)
Metamaterials and Their Recent Applications (Session Code: X)
Microscopic Processes and Non-Equilibrium Phenomena in Epitaxial Growth (Session Code: Y)
Microscopic, Mesoscale and Macroscale Models in Mechanics (Session Code: Z)
Modeling Mechanical Response in Disordered and Structurally Complex Materials Systems (Session Code: AA)
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Bio/Complex Fluids (Session Code: AB)
Modern Aspects of Homogenization (Session Code: AC)
Multiscale Behaviour of Deterministic and Probabilistic Material Models (Session Code: AD)
Multiscale Modeling Methods for Complex Fluids and Soft Matter (Session Code: AE)
Multiscale Modelling and Simulations of Dislocations for Continuum Plasticity (Session Code: AF)
Non-equilibrium Phenomena for Liquid Crystals: Mathematical Case Studies (Session Code: AG)
Nonlinear Waves in Lattices (Session Code: AH)
Numerical Methods for Low Reynolds Number Suspensions of Passive and Active Particles (Session Code: AI)
Numerical Methods in Multiscale Materials Modelling (Session Code: AJ)
On Limiting Strain Behaviour of Elastic Materials (Session Code: AK)
Particle-based Methods for Modeling Materials (Session Code: AL)
Quantifying Uncertainty and Stochasticity in Material Modeling (Session Code: AM)
Recent Developments in Mathematical Modeling of Recrystallization, Grain Growth and Related Phenomena (Session Code: AN)
Recent trends in Micromagnetic Modeling and Analysis (Session Code: AO)
Soft Elastic Materials: Nonlinear Constitutive Models, Mathematical and Mechanical Aspects (Session Code: AP)
Soft Matter and Complex Biological Systems (Session Code: AQ)
Upscaling Models of Crystalline Structures: Analysis and Simulation (Session Code: AR)
Variational Methods for Rods and Shells (Session Code: AS)
Wetting/Dewetting in Complex Fluids and Thin Solid Films (Session Code: AT)
Note: General Poster session abstracts not associated with any Minisymposium should select Session Code ZZ