Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science.
Statement on Inclusiveness
As a professional society, SIAM is committed to providing an inclusive climate that encourages the open expression and exchange of ideas, that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and that is welcoming and comfortable to all members and to those who participate in its activities. In pursuit of that commitment, SIAM is dedicated to the philosophy of equality of opportunity and treatment for all participants regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, disabilities, veteran status, field of expertise, or any other reason not related to scientific merit. This philosophy extends from SIAM conferences, to its publications, and to its governing structures and bodies. We expect all members of SIAM and participants in SIAM activities to work towards this commitment.
Mobile App
A mobile app for the SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science is available for download. Plug www.tripbuildermedia.com/apps/siam2016events into your browser. The link will automatically detect the type of device and take you to the right place to download the app. It can also be viewed in HTML5 if you connect using your computer. You will be requested to set up an account to use the mobile app. This will allow you to share your calendar of show events across devices. You can then select SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science from the list of 2016 SIAM events on the app or mobile site to view the schedule, browse speakers, attendees and exhibitors, view maps and building layouts, sync events with your mobile calendar, create your own show by selecting specific sessions, and more!
Can’t make it to SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science or missing a talk at the meeting? Tune into the conversation on the SIAM events app. Just go to the sessions that interest you and click on the “Discuss” button to read what attendees are saying about the talks.
Women in Mathematics of Materials Networking Luncheon
Organizers: Malena Espanol (U. Akron), Hala A. H. Shehadeh (JMU), Maria Emelianenko (GMU)
Time: Monday May 9, 12:15 - 1:30pm
Location: Positano Coast restaurant (across from Sheraton Society Hill Hotel)
How to Join: If you are a woman attending the conference and wish to join the Networking Lunch, please RSVP to Malena Espanol by May 8. Attendees are responsible for cost of their lunch plus gratuity.
Local Restaurant List [PDF, 165KB]
To RSVP to the conference on Facebook and connect with other attendees, find roommates etc., please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/851528741604879/.
If you are tweeting about the conference, please use the designated hashtag to enable other attendees to keep up with the Twitter conversation and to allow better archiving of our conference discussions. The hashtag for this meeting is #SIAMMS16.
Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Qiang Du, Columbia University. USA
David Srolovitz, University of Pennsylvania, USA
We are sad to report the recent passing of co-chair Peter Smereka, University of Michigan, USA. See an obituary at https://record.umich.edu/articles/obituary-peter-smereka
Organizing Committee
Aleksandar Donev, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA
Dmitry Golovaty, University of Akron, USA
Robert Lipton, Louisiana State University, USA
Kristin Persson, University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Ellad Tadmor, University of Minnesota, USA
Florian Theil, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Axel Voigt, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Peter Voorhees, Northwestern University, USA
Jonathan Weare, University of Chicago, USA
Yang Xiang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Pingwen Zhang, Peking University, China
Dana Zöllner, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Since 1994, every 2 to 4 years the SIAM Materials Activity Group organizes the SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science. This conference focuses on interdisciplinary approaches that bridge mathematical and computational methods to the science and engineering of materials. The conference provides a forum to highlight significant advances as well as critical or promising challenges in mathematics and materials science and engineering. In keeping with tradition, the conference seeks diversity in people, disciplines, methods, theory, and applications.
Funding Agencies
SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this conference.
The 2016 SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science covers all areas of the science and engineering of materials, including all electronic structure, atomistic simulation, microstructures, continuum descriptions, thermodynamics, kinetics, analytical methods, stochastic methods, and computational methods. Of particular interest are innovative mathematical and computational approaches to materials science and engineering, including those approaches and questions that are arising within the Materials Genome.
Important Deadlines
October 8, 2015: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
December 15, 2015 extended to December 30, 2015: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts
December 4, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career Travel Award Applications
April 11, 2016: Disconnect time is 4:00 PM EDT
April 11, 2016