Session Code: AD
Minisymposium Title: Multiscale Behaviour of Deterministic and Probabilistic Material Models
Minisymposium Description: This minisymposium addresses new results in the application of variational multiscale methods to systems related to materials science. We will discuss recent progress on coupling atomistic scales with continuum scales. Our main focus will be the statics and dynamics of defects such as dislocations.
Minisymposium Organizer: Florian Theil, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, Mark Peletier, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Julian Braun-Connecting Atomistic and Continuum Models of Nonlinear Elasticity
Adriana Garroni, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza," Italy-Derivation of Self Interaction Energy for Dislocations
Lucia Scardia-Convergence of Interaction-Driven Evolutions of Dislocations
Christoph Ortner-A/C and Qm/mm Multiscale Methods
Kaushik Dayal, Carnegie Mellon University, USA-Temperature and Thermal Transport in Defect Kinetics: Thermomechanical Analysis of Phase Transformations in An Atomic Chain
Celia Reina and Johannes Zimmer-Entropy Production and Microstructure Evolution in Materials
Thomas Hochrainer-Averaging Evolving Dislocation Systems with De Rham Current