Session Code: AO
Minisymposium Title: Recent trends in Micromagnetic Modeling and Analysis
Minisymposium Description: Magnetic materials underlie present and future technologies for information storage. The last two decades have brought major technological breakthroughs in the design of novel magnetic materials and the development of new application concepts for these materials. Simultaneously, recent efforts in micromagnetic modeling and analysis have yielded a deeper understanding of many phenomena observed in magnetic materials.Yet, progress in the material design and use poses further challenges to the mathematical community. The proposed minisymposium brings together scientists working on modeling, analysis, simulation and experimental characterization of the current and emerging magnetic materials and aims to set new directions and define major open problems.
Minisymposium Organizer: Cyrill B. Muratov, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Valery Slastikov
Andrew Kent-Current Induced Torques in Magnetic Thin Films and Devices: Physics and Modeling
Carlos Garcia-Cervera, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA-A Mean-Field Model for Spin Dynamics in Multilayered Ferromagnetic Media
Ross Lund-Charged Boundary-Layer Domain Walls in Thin Ferromagnetic Films
Giovanni Di Fratta-Homogenization of Composite Ferromagnetic Materials
Christof Melcher, RTWH Aachen, Germany-Current-Induced Dynamics of Chiral Skyrmions
Massimiliano Morini, Universita degli Studi di Parma, Italy-Magnetic Domain Walls in Constrained Geometries
Florian Nolte-Magnetic Domains in Thin Ferromagnetic Films with Strong Perpendicular Anisotropy
Antonio Capella-Kort-Structure, stability and existence of 360 degree walls
Jinshuo Zhang -360° Domain Walls: Stability, Magnetic Field and Electric Current Effects
Oleg Tretiakov- Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions
Cyrill B. Muratov, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA-Reduced Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation for Thin Films with Spin Torque
Jonathan Robbins-Domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanostructures