Session Code: AP

Minisymposium Title: Soft Elastic Materials: Nonlinear Constitutive Models, Mathematical and Mechanical Aspects

Minisymposium Description: Soft materials like rubber of soft biological tissues are subject to large elastic deformations. Anisotropy and other nonlinear effects in such materials leads to complex nonlinear models. The objective of the Minisymposium is to provide an overview of up-to-date research in the field and foster further interdisciplinary collaborations, through the consideration of both mechanical and mathematical aspects. The following topics will be addressed: - Advances in theoretical approaches - Symmetry analysis of BVPs in nonlinear elasticity - Exact solutions - Numerical aspects - Formulation and identification of constitutive models - Wave propagation aspects - Applications to soft biological tissues (arteries, biomembranes) - Stability issues

Minisymposium Organizer:

Jean-François Ganghoffer-TBA
Giuseppe Saccomandi-TBA
Michel Destrade-TBA
David Steigmann, University of California, Berkeley, USA-TBA
Ray W. Ogden, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK- TBA
Miroslav Silhavy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic -TBA
George Bluman, University of British Columbia, Canada -TBA
Philippe Ciarlet-TBA

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