Session Code: B
Minisymposium Title: Analysis. Modeling, and Simulation in Materials Science, in Memory of Peter Smereka
Minisymposium Description:
We were all saddened to learn of Peter's sudden death on Sept. 15. Peter, who was serving as the co-chair of this meeting at the time of his passing, was a great asset to the math-materials community. One of his most memorable traits was his level of participation at conferences. Very few people pay so much attention to what others are presenting. It was rare for him to sit through an entire talk without asking an insightful question; more often several. When Peter helped organize meetings, he encouraged this type of interaction between the audience and the speaker. He was intensely curious and enjoyed learning from others in this way. Thus, as a fitting tribute, we honor his memory and his contributions to materials science with a collection of talks given by his friends and collaborators. The talks will be somewhat diverse, as Peter's interests were broad, but will mostly focus on level set methods, epitaxial growth, coarsening of grain boundary networks, and kinetic Monte Carlo
Minisymposium Organizer: Tim Schulze, University of Tennessee, Knoxville , Aleksandar Donev, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Christian Ratch, University of California, Los Angeles
Axel Voigt, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany – Title TBD
Jim Evans, University of California, Berkeley
Arvind Baskaran, University of California, Irvine
Ken Elder, Oakland University
Bob Pego, Carnegie Mellon University
Bjorn Birnir, University of California, Santa Barbara
Petr Plechac, University of Delaware
Weinan E, Princeton University
Selim Esedoglu, University of Michigan
Tim Schulze, University of Tennessee, Knoxville